PREAMBLE We, the members of the Scripps College Pre-Law Society, to fully realize our purpose, do hereby adopt and establish this constitution as the guiding instrument of our organization.
ARTICLE I: NAME Section 1: The name of this organization shall be The Scripps College Pre-Law Society, also known as SPLS, hereafter referred to as The Scripps College Pre-Law Society.
ARTICLE II: PURPOSE Section 1: This organization is founded for the purpose of improving our undergraduate’s comprehension of the study and practice of law. Furthermore, the Scripps College Pre-Law Society strives to assemble and manage networking opportunities with other potential future lawyers, alumni in the field, and the broader legal community.
ARTICLE 3: MEMBERSHIP Section 1: Voting members will be restricted to students currently enrolled in Scripps College. However, they may still retain membership if they are taking a leave of absence. Members must be in good academic and judicial standing. Furthermore, the following requirements are expected in order to retain voting membership:
Attend full assembly meetings. In extenuating circumstances, a voting member can contact the Membership Director. There will be two excused absences per semester, any following absences will result in a meeting with the President and/or Vice President to discuss the member’s future within The Scripps Pre-Law Society.
Participate in Scripps Pre-Law Society events and attend at least two events hosted outside of meetings per semester.
Anyone who wishes to withdraw from the membership may do so at their own discretion by contacting the Vice President.
Section 2: The Scripps College Pre-Law Society openly and unreservedly accepts all Scripps College undergraduates to its membership and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, disability, country of origin, citizenship, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.
ARTICLE 4: ORGANIZATION Section 1: The officers of the organization shall be elected from the active and voting members. Any student seeking to hold office must have and maintain an overall grade point average not less than 2.5. Section 2: The Scripps College Pre-Law Society shall be governed by the following means:
The Executive Board will consist of five positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Volunteer Director, Communications Director, and Events Director.
The President will:
Preside over all meetings of the general membership;
Serve as a chair of the Executive Board and preside over all its meetings;
Act as spokesperson for the society;
Confer regularly with the Society’s Sponsor(s);
Maintain the power to present all motions to the body present and shall be present at all meetings of The Scripps College Pre-Law Society, except in extenuating circumstances.
The Vice President will:
Assist in any duties of the President;
Assume the duties of the President in the event the President is unable to perform said duties until the President can resume their duties;
Keep a record of current members;
Take attendance at meetings;
Oversee recruitment of new members;
Keep track of members.
The Treasurer will:
Handle all dues, accounts, and expenditures of the society;
Keep records of the aforementioned dues, accounts, and expenditures;
Plan, implement, and organize all fundraising activities (in conjunction with the Events Director).
The Communications Director will:
Keep meeting minutes;
Manage all social media accounts, logos and general updating the membership of opportunities and things happening within the Scripps Pre-Law Society;
Handle communications when directed by the President or Vice President.
The Events Director will:
Organize and manage all events, including communicating with speakers, reserving space for the event on campus (if applicable), and any other necessities required for the event.
The Volunteer Director will:
Organize and maintain volunteering and outreach programs;
Manage connections with the National Lawyers Guild and events established through their organization
Keep records of current members’ volunteer hours and oversee member participation in volunteer events
Assist other members of the executive board
ARTICLE 5: OPERATIONS Section 1: Voting
Those present in meetings that meet all the active member status requirements laid out in Article 3 are eligible to vote;
During voting sessions officer votes will hold the same weight as member votes.
Section 2: Meetings
All meetings will occur on a monthly basis and will generally follow the procedure sent before the meeting by the Director of Communications.
Section 3: Creation of Positions and Selection Process
If the Executive Board deems a creation of a position necessary, they will bring such a proposition to the voting members. If a majority of members agree to the proposition, the new position will be added to the Executive Board.
Additional officers will then be selected through an interview process conducted by the Board for the year in which the position is added, with any voting member having the opportunity to apply for the position.
All Executive Board members shall be elected by the voting members. Elections will commence at least a week before April 15th, only occurring when a quorum is present. A simple majority will elect the candidate.
Board positions will last a full academic year, with selections for the ensuing board occurring before April 15th of each academic year. Officers will therefore assume office on the first day of summer.
Section 4: Removal or Replacement of Officers
If an officer, elected or appointed, ceases to perform their duties outlined in this constitution, or fails to uphold the values and constitution of The Scripps College Pre-Law Society:
A letter dictating the reasons for dismissal must be presented to the President with 20% of the voting member’s signatures. The officer in question will soon after be given the opportunity to defend themselves in front of the Executive Board and four randomly selected voting members.
Should the officer in question be the President of the Society, the letter of dismissal must be presented to the Vice President with 20% of the voting member’s signatures. The President will have the opportunity to defend themselves before the Executive Board as well as five randomly selected voting members.
For an officer to resign, they must present the Vice President and President with a letter outlining their resignation.
Mid-year vacancies, through resignation, removal, or otherwise, will be filled through an interview process within the week following the vacancy. The replacement, selected by a committee consisting of the President and Vice President, will take office immediately after the previous officer leaves their position.
Amendments must be presented in writing to the President by two or more voting members. Upon approval of the Executive Board, the proposal will be voted on in the next general body meeting. Proposed amendments will become effective following the approval of a simple majority of voting members.
In order to receive an Honored Member status and a cord upon graduation, members will be allowed to miss one meeting per semester and are required to have a spotlight interview with the Communications Director to be featured on social media platforms. This is a recognition for graduating seniors.
BYLAWS Section 1: Future bylaws may be established through a unanimous decision by the Executive Board.